Sunday, November 1, 2009

CIRCA 1969 (Conclusion) : CLOSING THE GAP

“One small step of man, a giant step for mankind”, this statement by U.S. Astronaut Neil Armstrong upon stepping on the surface of the moon sums up and defines 1969 as the year of radical changes and unprecedented highlights in the history of humanity. Indeed, it was a pivotal year. The happenings of that time were precursor for what we now see institutionalized around us. It was revelatory to us how our present relates so much to what happened forty years ago.

Without disregard to the achievements and milestones of years before and after, we could say that it was when our world turned into what it is now. Craig Wilson, USA Today columnist reviewed the book 1969: The Year Everything Changed by Patrick Kirkpatrick, said that it was a year of 'landmark achievements, cataclysmic episodes and generation-defining events. Kirkpatrick asserts that 1969 was the birth of modern America. In his book he was able to point out how this incredible year reflected deep underlying changes in American culture. Since America is the dominant power in the world after WW II, its cultural influences are felt beyond its shores. Thus, the revolutions and innovations of 1969 was a universal experience.

Indeed we are still living in turbulent times. I don’t know any time devoid of that. It is part of our reality. Every era has its own challenges. We, from this era, are in a better position to bridge the gap between generations. We may be conservative in our upbringing but liberal at the same time. Our parents maybe from a different era yet we do relate to them specially, now that we are parents ourselves. Altogether, we are modern enough (sophisticated, too!) to relate to the young. Nowadays, it is common to see parents and their kids surf the internet, play digital game or tinker with the latest gadgets together. Listen together to rap, rock or pop music, even!

As an age-group born on that year, we don’t exclusively claim greatness amongst the generations. However, our time has come as we are now in the forefront of leadership, the responsibility to create a better civilization rest in our hands. Many among us may be captains of various industries, CEO’s or entrepreneurs; some maybe leaders of government, institutions and movements of diverse human causes; most, perhaps are parents. No matter what role we play in life, each bears the responsibility. Collectively, history shall someday judge us as a generation. Whether kindly or cruel the judgment will depend on our contribution and combined effort for the future. There is a saying that, “History is written by winners”. Sooner or later, it will be our turn to write history accordingly if we win or loose the battle for a better world.

There is something personal about history. In a way, we all write history. The events and milestones of our life, no matter how personal, may alter the world we live in. They may not be worthy to be published in books or stored in public archives, yet they are etched in the memory of every life we touched. According to a friend, “it is about leaving your footprints on other peoples’ lives.” My immediate reply, “Yup, don’t forget to leave your footprints on your enemies, too… on their faces!” But kidding aside, our footprints are indeed marked on every person we encounter, whether they are friend or foe. To quote Peggy Tabor Millin, “We never touch people so lightly that we do not leave a trace.”

To be born in 1969 is challenging. But, thanks to the generation before us for bringing in change; opening–up new ideas; teaching us to see the world in a different perspective and exploring beyond the boundaries to be able to come up with the innovations we enjoy today. With these, we are prepared to take-up the challenge of building our own legacy to be passed on to the next generation. Thus, we close the gap by building bridges to link the wisdom of the pass with the aspirations of the future. We foster better understanding between the ages to form solidarity to achieve the hopes of our civilization.


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