Sunday, April 4, 2021


Eternal life is truly the greatest enigma. Mankind is forever struggling to decipher this abstract. While most religions in fact were founded on this quest for an afterlife, the more humanistic ideologies have repudiated this notion. Here, the esoterics and existentialists were caught in a pointless discourse to prove or belies. Amidst the diversity of thought, daresay, curiosity would be lethal, albeit foolish, to prove it or otherwise. 

Yet, it gives credence to look towards a life beyond here. This is to make sense of our mortality. It must be the ultimate wage at how a life has been lived. It could be strange to be good or evil in this temporal realm if at the end there's only nothingness. I find this void absurd and nonsensical than the aspiration for eternal bliss or fear of lasting damnation. The soul afterall is inclined to limitless capacity and is free to wonder. It hence would be worthless to project a being of free will and substance if none of it would eventually matter.

This belief in eternity fundamentally appeals to the moral fiber that corresponds to the need of humanity for a just and kinder civilization. The will to be just or vile shall be accounted sooner or later in an enmesh destiny. In this mystery, the essence of life is eventually engulf in an everlasting constellation that only faith foresees. 

- Dan Quetulio Brizuela 

   Easter 2021

#Easter2021 #HappyEaster #EasterSunday #Christianity #ResurrectionDay #ResurrectionSunday #ResurrectionOfChrist #ChristIsAlive #ChristIsRisen

Friday, April 2, 2021

 Sin is not a mere religious or theological concept. It is the adverse condition of being that confounds the collective order in practical reality. 

While the spiritual consequences of sin may be argued, its actual disruption is undeniable in personal and social exerience. Beyond the mystical remittance, it elicits a confirmed reaction that exhaust the just and ethical component of our existence.

Attonement and forgiveness hence offer relief to sin. Whether it be of divine or human cause, these are imperative to constantly repair the perpetual ravages of sin towards a sustainable life of inner peace and communal harmony.

- Dan Quetulio Brizuela

#lentenreflection #lentenseason #lent #lent2021 #holyweek2021 #semanasanta #semanasanta2021 #goodfriday #goodfriday2021