Wednesday, March 18, 2020


As the real world is in a stillness and falls into silence, the virtual world has become too cramped, loud and in quandarry of thoughts, opinion, memes and information overload. While most were given the timeout from the stresses of the daily chores (e.g. work, school, business, etc.), we have turned to social media supposedly finding some panacea. Yet the escalating surge of personal grievances, blaming, outpouring of negativity, gossip, propaganda and political bickering that pervades its realm has deemed it too exasperating for anyone trying to find some solace and hope in this time of uncertainty.

It is comforting however that each has a choice on how to deal with this chaos. Anyone has the choice to filter unwanted posts and unfollow toxic people one finds annoying and offers no relief to the situation.

If the virus is a threat to the physical health, toxic people who are too suspicious, negative, partisan, the paranoid, cantankerous, the poseur, conceited know-it-all, the whinner and angry are potentially deadly to the soul.

While social distancing and home quarantine are the norms to mitigate the spread of the covid19, social media distancing and limiting digital interaction could also be exercise to sanitize our souls. Learning the art of ignoring or totally disassociating with toxic social linkages could actually be good for one's health.

As we take extra caution to guard our physical health, we be mindful as well to our  psychological and emotional well-being.

#enhancedcommunityquarantine #ECQ #covıd19 #globalplague #socialdistancing #homequarantine